10 years - A note to my hubby

10 years – A note to my hubby

10 years – A note to my hubby

10 years - A note to my hubby
10 years – A note to my hubby

I thought 10 years is a really long time. It’s a milestone. I had plans and ideas to make it special. To go somewhere exotic. To be somewhere beautiful reminiscing the wonderful years. To be with us. To celebrate the life together. But 10 years seem rather short. The first few years went in gelling and tuning in. What works? what doesn’t? Arguments, fights, getting  back at each other, ego trips, feeding each other’s egos, being lost and then found. Being found, being able to find ‘yourself’, being individuals, ‘being friends’ and ‘being able to tell what you really feel like’ that part is short and by that time you are already in your 10th year of marriage. We have grown together – babies, career, as individuals, as a couple, all along, hand-in-hand. It has been tough, no doubt about it but I don’t know any other way. It has made you the person you are and it has made me the person that I am. I still like myself so it’s worth the effort. Neither I make any big promises nor I expect any from you. What I want is ‘us’ (of course on top of washing dishes and cleaning with me) and the element of love in all our arguments and fights. Surprises, the expect of looking forward to something new and yes I am looking forward to something new:-) Here’s to ‘us’ on our 10th anniversary and here’s to setting a new milestone. Let’s make some plans now Mr…

Lots of love


Diary of an imperfect mum

Suranjita Bhagawati on Email
Suranjita Bhagawati
Hello and welcome to 'Mumways'. I am Suranjita and I live in London with my three lovely kids and husband. Mumways is for inspiration - Writing about parenting, well being and lifestyle. I hope you enjoy going through it and thank you for visiting!

About Author

Suranjita Bhagawati

Hello and welcome to 'Mumways'. I am Suranjita and I live in London with my three lovely kids and husband. Mumways is for inspiration - Writing about parenting, well being and lifestyle. I hope you enjoy going through it and thank you for visiting!


  1. Gitika

    Such a beautiful piece Suru and so lovely expressed!!

    1. admin

      Thanks a lot Gits:-)

  2. It’s good to remember the good bits. I wrote something for our anniversary a couple of years ago and I’m afraid it was warts and all! Loving your dress in that photo by the way!! #ablogginggoodtime

    1. admin

      Thank you so much Prabs!!I love your posts:-)


  3. So lovely. Really well said and congrats on your anniversary! x

    Amina xx | http://www.AliandHEr.com #ablogginggoodtime

    1. admin

      Thanks a lot Amina!! Just read your Valentine’s day post. It was beautiful:-)


  4. Happy Anniversary, me and my husband have been together for 8 years, it feels so quick but like forever at the same time! Really beautiful post. #ablogginggoodtime

    1. admin

      Thank you Blake for your beautiful message! Double digits coming your way then…looking forward to reading more from you?

  5. awwww how wonderful and what a gorgeous picture of you all. Happy 10
    Thanks for linking to #ablogginggoodtime xx

    1. admin

      Hi Katie!!

      Thank you so much for your wishes!! I had a lovely time linking up and reading some of the amazing blog posts!


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