Truest sentence that I know
Hope you are well! Inspired by this amazing line by Ernest Hemingway, “All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know”, I am venturing into putting together a sentence. I truly needed that inspiration to write. Over the past two weeks, we have some really nasty, horrible and unwanted visitors at our home. My daughter describes them as ‘naughty’. My son says (out of his experience), ‘they will leave today’. But they are sticky and smelly. And sticky and smelly things don’t leave that easily. So my truest and most honest sentence would be, ‘I am exhausted and sick and tired of them -Winter vomiting bug.’
One evening, they just dropped by. Unannounced, unwanted, sudden! I didn’t have any time for preparation. They caught my daughter first. I thought, ‘I am familiar with this lot’. I had seen it all when my son was 3 years old. I made the arrangements but they pecked my son as well. How I wish they started at the same time and finished at the same time. No synchrony at all. Enough about me. So how have you been? If you have to write one true and honest sentence about yourself, what would it be? Now, be honest and pour it in and write to me the truest sentence that you know. Either you uplift me or let’s moan together. Looking forward to a lovely week sans the unwanted visitors:-)
Much Love