Hello Mumways folks!
I have been thinking of something fun for the mumways readers. However, because of time constraints, there has been a bit of a delay. Please accept my sincere apologies. Remember I talked about creating some time for yourself, where you do things that you really enjoy doing? It’s your area, your zone that you are most comfortable in. That special time you specifically carve out from your busy schedule and you look forward to work on it. Even when you go out to work, you make time to give shape to your interest. Call it writing, meditation, painting, music or sports, it is something that makes you feel alive. Sometimes, the things that you start in your ‘me’ time can take shape into something even bigger! Let me introduce you to a brand new initiative by mumways, ‘Project Me to Be’.

I have met a lot of mums who have started really small as a hobby but gradually their interests and their ideas became bigger than their own perception of the idea. For some of them, it started while they were in their maternity leave and for some the break grew longer and longer and I can tell from experience – it is a bit hard to pull up and redefine all from a scratch. So mums with longer breaks, who have decided to come out from your own ‘pulling back’ chain, please do take notice and write to me on ‘Me to Be’.
This particular post would like to invite readers to share some of their ‘me’ time specials and how they are turning them into something bigger. This is the crux of the project ‘Me to Be’. Let me put it in simple words with an example. For instance, you tend to unwind by lighting up scented candles and you like it to a level that you end up having your own website, or a little shop out of it. Who doesn’t like flowers? But you love to be around them so much that you end up with something as beautiful as a flower arrangement specialist. You love reading books, and you end up writing one of your own! Something down that line. I hope it’s not confusing. The objective is to share with my readers some of your ‘me’ time beauty. For the world, it may not be big but for you it is your time to unwind and redefine.
I hope the stories that I bring you would inspire you to start something on your own. So go on and write to me about your passions, even if you don’t know the next step, carry on doing what you like doing and it will find a way out. I hope to see a lot of you coming forward and sharing your ‘Me to Be’ stories.
Much Love

Good chance to see something in ME!
Thank you so much! Yes, very much welcome!!
Excellent initiative! Can’t wait to read the stories!
Thank you so much Achu! Also for your ideas!
You have put it so well! I love the name of the initiative, very inspirational! I would love to take part:)
Thank you so much Slaveia for the kind words! Will mail you soon.