My comfort blanket is used and overused
I have used, reused and overused my comfort blankets over time. When things start looking unfamiliar or I am not sure of the path ahead, I seek that familiar secure place. It is my way of finding solace in unchartered territories. In the maze of life, we all need to hit dead ends. While figuring out which route will work for you, knowing that you have something comforting to take you along helps. The comfort blanket could be anything that soothes you.
Comfort in music and love in a photograph

A song that reminds you of someone or of happier times would transport you through a tunnel where you would lose track of time. An old book which you had highlighted before, would take you to the time when you made those marks. The photographs of your school days would take you back to the recess periods or the moments in the classroom with your friends. You will be pleasantly surprised by the sheer volume of those memories that you have still held so fondly.
The comfort blankets wrap you up and protect you from those emotional storms. They remind you that in the past you have been everything: messy, broken, funny, loving, caring, successful. Hence, you are allowed to be everything now.
The simple things are the most extraordinary

I have a habit of highlighting beautiful lines in books. Obviously, we don’t always have highlighters handy. In that case, I tend to fold pages or if I find a pen, write it down on the page itself. I think I have read ‘The Alchemist” so many times that I often use some of the quotes from the book on people as if they are mine! Bedtime stories are the same. The books that I read for my children 5- 10 years back and reading the same stories to my youngest child bring back memories. It takes you ten years back and brings you back to the present with a smile on your face or a frown. How can the siblings be so similar? They have the same questions!
Comfort in a Person

This is the most amazing one! Ever wondered what happens to you when you see a text or phone call from that person with whom you find your comfort? You light up more than the light from your phone! Remember the chats with your childhood buddies? It’s an amazing feeling when you see a message from one of them. Do I need to say any more?
Delightful experiences

Home Alone, Friends, and some old Indian Television serials such as (Aarohan, Kashish, Sarabhai) – are in the same category. They bring warmth and fill you with contentment. These are like holidays with your close ones, loved ones, and friends – just delightful!
Do revisit those wondrous and delightful experiences. Keep writing and collecting memories for the future. There is something magical yet rational about hope as it lifts us up and never gives up. The comfort blanket is the same. You wrap it around and you are in the magical land of hope, amazement and delight.
Please do share your idea of a comfort blanket:-)
Much love