Tea cup, book and a flower

Beginnings – Resolute in a way that you feel liberated


Beginnings – Resolute in a way that you feel liberated

To Beginnings! I usually write a post in December which either sums up the year or talks about new year resolutions. However, I couldn’t write one this time around as I was travelling. Time was not an issue but my mind was everywhere. Here I am, almost towards the end of January and trying to write about new year resolutions! To be honest, my new year resolutions are not real resolutions. They are actually some random ideas which I never plan to stick to. By keeping things simple, I play safe and free. I feel liberated and keep doing things that I feel like doing. I don’t wait for any significant date to start something. Rather I just start whenever I feel like it. This post is all about getting started. Here’s to ‘beginnings’.

Beginnings: Tea cup, book and a flower



To Beginnings

1. Don’t wait, the time will never be just right.

2. We all have enough time, we are just distracted.

3. Begin. It may not be big but big things often have small beginnings.

4. Remember that the feeling of ‘quitting’ exist in the miscellaneous list of ‘starting’ something. So inadvertently you will feel like quitting at some point. But you know that it’s just a ‘feeling’ and temporary.

5. You journey might look like a long one. But this time next year, you would have moved. Take inspiration from that.

6. Reflect on what you’ve been avoiding to get started. Begin from there.

7. Who you are today is hundred percent better than the person you were yesterday.

8. Rest if you have to but don’t stop.

9. Slow down because it’s ok. You decide your pace.

10. Be kind to yourself.

11. Gift yourself unlimited time. ‘Doing it quickly’ is outdated, deep and meaningful is the updated version.

12. Get help, ask questions and be out there.

13. Be proud of who you are and your decisions.

14. Keep doing and if it needs a restart, allow it to happen.

15. Remember to smile and laugh along the way.

Much love


Suranjita Bhagawati on Email
Suranjita Bhagawati
Hello and welcome to 'Mumways'. I am Suranjita and I live in London with my three lovely kids and husband. Mumways is for inspiration - Writing about parenting, well being and lifestyle. I hope you enjoy going through it and thank you for visiting!

About Author

Suranjita Bhagawati

Hello and welcome to 'Mumways'. I am Suranjita and I live in London with my three lovely kids and husband. Mumways is for inspiration - Writing about parenting, well being and lifestyle. I hope you enjoy going through it and thank you for visiting!

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