15 years

15 years of marriage – If I knew then what I know now

15 years of marriage – If I knew then what I know now

15 Years – It takes that many years to become an expert in body language and non-verbal communication in a marriage. When you take your husband’s name a notch higher than usual and he knows exactly what he needs to do (read correctly). The clothes that leisurely lie around near the laundry basket miraculously disappear. He also trims the ever-growing socks plantation around several places in the house. Please don’t get jealous, these things do need a verbal push! One of the important aspects of being married for 15 years is that you just know that your husband won’t mind the constant reminders to do things around the house. However, the most important part is definitely romance in our relationship. Nothing fancy, while tucking the fitted sheet on our bed he pulls the mattress up, it is pure love. If I forget to put the dishwasher tablet, he will remember to put it (sometimes). Taking over 3 weeks, to finish three episodes of ‘The Tourist’ (a BBC series). A couple of minutes into it and both realise that the game is over. But who would say it first, the three magical words, ‘are you sleepy’?

7th of February

15 years
15 years

Between our 15th year of marriage anniversary on the 7th of February and today’s post, there is a gap of two weeks. We haven’t been celebrating across two weeks, for sure. I wanted to take the time to write about such an important milestone in our lives. All those years went by so quickly, there are so many things that I know we could not have imagined before that are now a reality.

15 years – If I knew then

15 years
15 years

If I knew then what I know now, there would not have been so much time-wasting on irrelevant things. I would have invested in an unequal share of time. Of course less time in arguing about things that don’t even exist now. However, I am equally sure that when the time will come to write a post on the 25th year of our anniversary, nothing would have changed much in terms of getting stressed about the years ahead! Imagine, with three children – there will be plenty to get worked up about!

‘Growing old with you will be fun’ – I said.

He said – ‘That might be a bit tricky as you haven’t aged in 15 years!’

Ageing is that invisible club that you sign up for, the moment you are born. There is no subscription form. As a member of that club, can’t stop the inevitable but I will take that one-liner any day!

15 years – It has been beautiful!

Here’s to many more years of friendship and seasoned romance!

Suranjita Bhagawati on Email
Suranjita Bhagawati
Hello and welcome to 'Mumways'. I am Suranjita and I live in London with my three lovely kids and husband. Mumways is for inspiration - Writing about parenting, well being and lifestyle. I hope you enjoy going through it and thank you for visiting!

About Author

Suranjita Bhagawati

Hello and welcome to 'Mumways'. I am Suranjita and I live in London with my three lovely kids and husband. Mumways is for inspiration - Writing about parenting, well being and lifestyle. I hope you enjoy going through it and thank you for visiting!

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